On 20 February 2006 the world changed forever.
Maybe you
didn’t notice, but the world as I knew it shifted slightly to the right.
Alexandra Isabella was born at 06:50 and promptly altered
the state of the universe to suit herself.
You may scoff, but I have been to parties where the mother
has broken down into hot tears of hysteria because the kids didn’t want to pin
the tail on the donkey.
I have spent sleepless nights baking elaborate birthday
cakes in the shape of the Sword of Omens and a robot. I have iced 100 small
pink cupcakes and stuffed party packs full of toys and candy from China Mall.
Each year there is a not-so-subtle parental competition – one which
usually ends with you substantially poorer. You can easily end up spending as
much on a birthday party than you did on your own wedding – only Daddy doesn’t
pick up this bill.

I don’t bother even trying. I sent the boys to bootcamp to
wallow in the mud and be yelled at by ex-Navy Seals. They go hone happy,
exhausted and covered in mud. Most the time they are happy with a water pistol
and a jumping castle.
Girls are harder.
This year as I was lamenting the impending day with gloom,
the power of social networking led me to a review by Shelli Nurcombe-Thorne who
knows more about Johannesburg than anyone I have ever met.

Lexi and her best friend were duly collected on Saturday
afternoon and chauffeur driven (by me) to the studio of Nina Say Cheese in

She offers
four magical sets, an aeroplane hanger, a circus, a forest and a tea party.
also provides delicious cookies and macaroons from a real pastry-chef.
The girls put on identical pink ruffled skirts, pretty tops
and sparkly shoes. Suddenly these two scruffy little tomboys blossomed into the
most beautiful and ladylike little girls. They posed, they played and they
laughed and laughed and laughed.
I haven’t got the pictures yet, but I know they will be
So all-in-all it was a good way to celebrate without having
to entertain 25 small girls and their 50 associated parents.
Social networking again helped me out on the birthday
present front. Having expressed interest in a Barbie Bride at a friend’s house,
her mom called to tell me about the best place to buy Barbie clothing.
Hint: It is not Toys R Us.
The Rosebank Market on a Sunday is home to a remarkable stall. A elderly man painstakingly designs and makes
exquisite furniture for baby dolls and Barbie Dolls. His wife equally
painstakingly designs and sews tiny clothes, sleeping bags, duvets and other
necessities for small girls and their dolls.
For R300 I bought a wardrobe and 6 perfectly made little
outfits, including a wedding dress. Unlike the cheap and nasty Toys R Us
clothes, they don’t fall apart as soon as Barbie is dressed up and they cost a
damn sight less.
I highly recommend him to every mother of a small child who
balks at the idea of buying yet another Barbie. Lexi unwrapped her gifts this
morning in total rapture.
I also got out of baking a million cupcakes by strolling
into Mother Hubbard’s in the mall and purchasing for R70 a Happy Birthday cake
for her school birthday ring.
Far less stressful.
This afternoon I will pick up little karate kid and take her
out for ice-cream with sprinkles on.
And when we get home Lexi can model the pretty clothes
purchased on her shopping experience with my mom – from Zara no less!
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