Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The image distorted
The body disjointed
The soul contorted in pain
The pieces are scattered
The dress in tatters
The glass shards fall like rain
The prayers are offered
The sacrifice gutted
There’s nothing left but shame

Monday, August 23, 2010


Insidious little whispers in the night
Creep through the chinks in my armour
Soft tendrils of smoke twine around my dreams
And plant the seeds of nightmares
To flower and grow into some mutant Eden

On the block

What value an item, but what someone will pay?
What value a person, but that bestowed by someone else?
So fragile a worth eroded by a cruel words
Or a glib comment thrown away upon the wind
A woman is not a job lot for a Sotheby’s auctioneer
Or a sidewalk whore with a price tag on her wares
She has value beyond that which you see
And wisdom far beyond her years

Monday, August 16, 2010

Agony Auntie

Tell me what to do
To stop this spiral into hell
Tell me what to say
To stop the snow from falling
Tell me where to go
To find a way out of the maze
Tell me where to hide
While the thunderstorm rages
Tell me that everything will be alright
It’ll all be better in the gentle morning light
And though I know it is a lie
Say it anyway
Because the words hold me together
When all else has failed

The 1000 yard stare

I didn’t sign up for this
With the arrogance and naïveté of youth
I wanted to fight for freedom
And liberty for all mankind
Not wade in blood and gore up to my ankles
And sleep with the dead and dying
I didn’t sign up for mud and the cold
And the desperate wails of my brother
He lost his leg when we went over
Into no mans land that morning
His blood stained the sacks as it seeped through the bandage
And the rats waited for once silent
Knowing they would gorge themselves later
There are no heroes in war
Only the dead and those who survive
But every one of us boys
Who fought there lost our lives
There are times I wish the reaper
Had come for me that night
And saved me from the years of waking death
That have underscored my life
All the roads I have taken
And all the places I have seen
I’ve never left that battlefield
Or lost the echoes of those screams