Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The roof leaks
And the storm rages
Above my bed
I wake with raindrops
On my eyelashes

The fridge bellows
Or whimpers
Its death throes
No longer cold
It waits for death

No more friendly scent
Of fresh coffee
In the morning
The quiet looms
In the hour before sunrise

The car shudders
At the thought
Of another mile to go
And promises yet
To keep

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Shafton Grange

Time out of time we spent
A sanctuary heaven sent
In a valley of mists

A white steed in silhouette
Glimpse of an equine vignette
Framed by my window

Seductive scents weave
Their webs entangle me
Tastes to feed the soul

Laughter from the treetops
Rainbows in the water drops
That flew from golden hair

The rush of the city calls
No more hidden waterfalls
But I know they’re there


A tenuous grasp on the fast fading sensation of holiday memories
Resolutions fading like last weeks overblown lilies
Sinking fast into the muddy waters of day to day existence
Putting up only partial, half hearted resistance
Stolen snapshots of sunshine senoritas
Bitter aftertaste of too many margaritas
Holiday lights packed away for yet another year
To gather dust on the bottom shelf, a sad recollection of Christmas cheer
Already the colours of that final sunset show
Are fading like a photograph taken far too long ago
But I’ll keep that picture of the sunshine in your hair
And blue eyes laughing, your face so fair
Don’t grow up too quickly, don’t leave me behind
With just the traces of a melody running through my mind