“My mom’s has big boobs!” announced my
7-year-old son halfway through Christmas lunch with my in-laws.
proclamation was followed by piratical laughter and a quick exit.
I could have said: “Like father like
Or: “He’s entered a new stage in Freudian
Or: “He knows a good thing when he sees
But I didn’t.
I hid my head in my hands and wept with
laughter until the wildfire blush had cooled down to a mild glowing simmer.
Christmas time. Like many mothers it is
a time that fills me with deep seeded panic and exhaustion.
What on earth am I supposed to do with
three small children that is not going bankrupt me, yet occupy them and stop
them killing each other, hating me or burning my house down? There are many wonderful places to go
and things to do around this time of the year; unfortunately most of them need
a level of financial liquidity I am a stranger to.

Perfect Mom doesn’t work all year round and then collapse during her 5 days off
over Christmas into a semi-coma. The Perfect Mom can crochet blankets out of
the fur of her perfectly trained German Shepherd.
The Perfect Mom can whip up a
Christmas feast for ten and design her own bloody sleigh. She doesn’t have a
problem fitting down the chimney.
This year I refused to allow Perfect Mom
to wag her perfectly French-manicured finger disapprovingly in my direction.
I made Christmas Crackers that turned
out to be very pretty, but needed Arnold and The Rock to pull them apart. Tissue paper is
a lot stronger than it seems.
We made nougat, bath fizz bomb, a rainbow cake
and a gingerbread house. We even recycled Coca Cola bottles into bird feeders and made a wreath out of plastic bags.
We even refurbished the boys' trainer bike for our daughter
thanks to some purple glitter metallic paint and a pink saddle.
Beat that Perfect Mom.
'Twas the day Christmas when I went
To buy a gift for my industrious spouse
And I bought a gizmo that bicycles
That’s when it got weird.
I met up with my man and he said “Oh
dear me.
We must go to the bike shop immediately”
There I stood a step or two behind
Making desperate cutting gestures with
my hand
The bike salesmen started to jeer.
It was a very awkward situation.
fact that I got out of with gift intact and unknown was a miracle.
But, then it
was the season for it.
We went sailing, we went to the zoo and we spent time
with each other in a way we can’t during most of the year.
That time is what the holidays are about
– not presents, but people.
Next Christmas, assuming the world
doesn’t come to an end,
I think I will bake a large cake and hide inside it.
I’ve always wanted to jump out of a
Perfect Mom can go jump off a cliff.
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